1 in 10 children worldwide has a disability, the majority of whom live in developing countries which lack essential healthcare services
(UNICEF, 2022)
The World Health Organisation estimates that around 15% of the world’s population experience some form of disability.
Our global network of over 7000 trained disability service providers is continually striving to improve the lives of children with disabilities and their families by teaching basic skills which enables independence and improved quality of life.

Individuals Trained

Organisations Trained

Families & Children Supported

Countries Reached
Children with Disabilities Supported Around the World
Bangladesh 291,740
Cambodia 42,210
Ethiopia 7,700
Ghana 107,110
India 51,531
Kenya 22,240
Malawi 31,950
Mexico 370
Nepal 35,230
Pakistan 66,160
Palestine 80
Philippines 21,250
Romania 780
Rwanda 10,900
Sri Lanka 128,930
Tanzania 67,150
Uganda 34,270
Zambia 451,720