Small Grant Applications

Are you a disability expert eager to volunteer and share your expertise in a developing country? Or are you part of an organisation in a developing nation seeking disability training? Would you like to exchange skills and experiences with dedicated professionals worldwide? If so, MAITS wants to connect with you!

MAITS offers small grants to support experienced disability professionals globally in sharing their skills with individuals working with and caring for those with disabilities in low and middle-income countries. The trainers offering training can apply for these grants, covering essential costs to make the training a reality. Our volunteer trainers come from diverse backgrounds around the world. Get in touch with MAITS to explore collaborative opportunities!

We have two grant programmes

Grants To Provide Training

Our grant programme supports disability training in areas with fewer resources. We offer a matching service for disability organisations seeking volunteers to train their staff. Organisations can request training in therapy or education, and MAITS matches them with suitable trainers through our platform. Trainers can apply for grants to cover travel and logistics costs, making the training possible.

Grants to Attend Training

These grants are aimed at supporting our trainers to attend training involving MAITS trainers or organised by MAITS for their continued professional development. You can claim logistical costs such as transport costs, accommodation and subsistence. It is expected that you continue to disseminate the learnings within your network and community once you return from the training. The individuals are required to be registered with MAITS in order to apply for a grant to receive training. The grant amount ranges from £500 – £700 to cover for the logistical costs.