Breastfeeding in Blantyre

      During this follow-up visit to Malawi, Himali de Silva and Maya Asir focused on both formal and practical training on the management of feeding difficulties in infants, for selected nurses at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre. The aim of this training was to provide in depth knowledge and skills in the assessment and… Continue reading Breastfeeding in Blantyre

Projects in the Pipeline

MAITS has a number of grant awarded projects in the pipeline and we wanted to give you a short run-down on each: Romania Music as Therapy are coordinating, hosting and presenting at a conference whose aim is to further the local development of music therapy in Romania, where it is currently an emerging practice. MAITS… Continue reading Projects in the Pipeline

Fondazione Fontana

The Cardboard Chair wins prestigious award at Cannes at the 7th International Festival ‘Entr’2 Marches’, 2016. This beautiful documentary shows how an APT seat makes all the difference to the life of a child in Kenya. For more information please see the links below: – The Film Trailer – A video made from… Continue reading Fondazione Fontana