Therapeutic Art Training in Zambia since 2011

Lesley and Joanna, art therapists from the UK, have been training professionals in Zambia in the use of Therapeutic Art since 2011. Over multiple visits they have developed a training programme which has the support of the Ministry of Health. It has already been delivered to a range of professionals including nurses, occupational therapists, police… Continue reading Therapeutic Art Training in Zambia since 2011

Neonatal Feeding Training – Uganda 2016

In April 2016, Himalia and Maya, speech and language therapists working in the UK, returned to Mulago Hospital in Uganda to follow up on training completed in November 2015. They reviewed the practice of Parent Trainers that they had worked with on their previous visit, to assess their ability to train and support mothers whose… Continue reading Neonatal Feeding Training – Uganda 2016