Individual Giving

Nearly 240 million children worldwide, or one in 10, live with disabilities and experience deprivation in indicators such as health, education and protection (UNICEF, 2021). Our work has already improved the lives of millions of children around the world, but with your help, we can do more, together.

You can make a meaningful contribution to our mission by donating through JustGiving. Whether you want to support a specific project, country, or our general fund, JustGiving provides a simple and secure platform for your donations. Our overheads are low, and we rely on volunteer trainers and in-country partners so your money goes further, for example:

Will help one Community Health Worker reach three families with children with disabilities.

Support a therapist to train two local Community Health Workers

Cover the travel cost of one Community Health Worker

MAITS train 3 therapists to support Community Health Workers

If you are a UK taxpayer, simply check the Gift Aid box when making your donation on JustGiving, we will claim the Gift Aid which will increase the value of your donation by 25%.

Leave a Legacy

Your legacy gift can help us continue our vital work for years to come. You can designate how you want your legacy gift to be used, whether it’s for a specific project, programme, or our general mission. If you choose to leave a legacy, please let us know. We appreciate the opportunity to express our gratitude and ensure your wishes are honoured.

If you would like to organise a fundraising event, campaign, or challenge on our behalf and rally your friends, family, or colleagues to join you in making a difference please contact