Music As Therapy (MasT) in Romania- supported by MAITS

In November 2015, MAITS partnered with MasT, supporting six trainers to attend and participate in a 2-day conference entitled “Music Therapy in Romania: Theory and Practice Now and in the Future”.   The conference brought together local partners, practitioners, academics and influencers to consider how music therapy is used in Romania today, and what lies… Continue reading Music As Therapy (MasT) in Romania- supported by MAITS

Zambia Project October 2015

In October 2015, MAITS funded Therapeutic Art trainers, Lesley Hill and Joanna Pearce, to deliver training to 65 Neuropyschology and Psychiatry students, Clinical Officers in training and professional hospital staff from all disciplines. Please click on the link below to see the objectives & achievements of the training program. Zambia News report

Help Age Tanzania Project

Help Age has a project in Tanzania – and are looking for therapists to work there – either national or regional with CBR experience – to build up a CBR programme with other organisations, involving training incentive workers. There is not fixed plan yet as they are waiting for funding – but they are… Continue reading Help Age Tanzania Project

Help Age looking for OT’s & PT’s

Diana Hiscock of Help Age is looking for contacts in 2 countries or regions to support Help Age projects in their work. Help Age International is working in Ukraine – and  trying to find OT’s or PT’s to provide support there. They have tried to contact the Ukrainian Physiotherapy association without luck – so… Continue reading Help Age looking for OT’s & PT’s

Call to Action

MAITS is a proud member of the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (GPcwd), currently hosted by UNICEF. To mark the 2015 International Day of Persons with Disabilities the GPcwd has launched a campaign for an end to violence against children and adolescents with disabilities in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles… Continue reading Call to Action

Jamaica Oct 2015

Anjali Joshi has returned from a very productive project in Jamaica with the Nathan Ebanks Foundation. Below is a summary of her trip and a short film bringing together the feedback interviews she conducted. Summary Report Feedback Interviews  

Infant Feeding in Uganda

Himali de Silva and Basia Hamden have returned from a productive training of trainers project in the Mulago Hospital in Kampala. Below is a summary of their report.  

“Raising Nathan

MAITS would like to spread the word about a new book written by Christine Staple-Ebanks, Founder and President of the Nathan Ebanks Foundation and our colleague, in Jamaica. Raising Nathan is the heartfelt story of the struggle faced by Jamaican parents on discovering that their son would be born with a major disability – and a… Continue reading “Raising Nathan

Opportunities: Other Agencies

YellowHouse is advertising for a paid SLT position in Kenya, min 2 years: Please see the following link for details     OIC is advertising for a paid SLT coordinator position in Cambodia: Dear friend of OIC, 2016 is a new year, and we’re building on our small but committed team by adding some new… Continue reading Opportunities: Other Agencies

Nepali Translation

We are excited to announce that SGCP Nepal and local colleagues have translated the MAITS’ Guide for Community Health Workers  into Nepali. If you feel this version would be helpful to you, or the individuals you work with, please get in touch with Mr Bimal Shrestha at The Nepali Guide is looking great and we encourage anyone… Continue reading Nepali Translation